Ocala Outreach Foundation, Inc., was started to assist those in our area that really need help. They are people that work hard every day to make ends meet. They are people that are not asking for help as they are to busy trying to make it on their own. They are people that our Social Worker has taken some time with and feels the need to help them. Unfortunately, sometimes she is unable to use more conventional avenues to help them for various reasons, or due to so much red tape. I wanted to provide her a tool to use to help those that she couldn’t get help for. It became so much more. You can read more about the start of Ocala Outreach Foundation, Inc., on my bio page.

We decided to leverage social media and basic crowd-funding technology to offer Outreach Projects for vetted families in need. Our Outreach Projects are submitted and approved by our board members.

We post as much information as we are able to in our Outreach Projects, as to not violate HIPAA rules and regulations, and then offer it up to social media in hopes for a good return of donations for each family. Each project is vetted by our social worker or one of our other board members. We use 100% of your donations to reach out into our community, and surrounding area, to directly help those in need with focused compassion.

We are not faith-based but we aren’t without faith. We aren’t connected to any religious organizations. We have no political affiliations or motivations. We are not a large charity. We have no overhead, no salaries, and 100% of your donations go to the Outreach Project of your choice.

We strive to be only one thing: Help-Based.

Help us today!